❓ See 🚀Product Vision Guide and **Product Vision Meeting Agenda** for more info
Problem Core
- While weighing options for a move, sources of data on each factor involved are in many different places.
- There isn't a platform for comparing factors based upon unique priorities.
- It is difficult to weigh all the factors involved in deciding the best place to move...
- Users need a way to easily compare multiple factors in various cities based upon their unique priorities.
- Users need a way to compare cities looking at their specific prioritized factors.
Problem Side-Effects: Common challenges when relocating
- Inefficient use of time with little info to show for
- Difficult to weigh multiple factors, such as Crime, Jobs, Pollution.
- Easy to overlook factors that otherwise may not be considered
- Easy to overlook potential new places to live that meet criteria
- Feeling overwhelmed by number of options
- Make a single resource to allow users to weigh all their factors at once.
- Create comparisons between cities based on a user's factors to help user's decision.
- Should be fun and engaging for the user
- Minimize the amount of time spent researching cities
Web + iOS side solution
- Browsable and searchable map.
- Top recommendations grid view
- Login/logout Feature for each User
- Onboarding system to personalize results
- Save weights of factors
- Save cities user has liked
- Categories by which to sort recommended locations (weighted differently dependent on user)
- Job Market
- Commute
- Cost of living rating.
- Amenities/Entertainment rating
- Social Life
- Weather data for regions/cities to be calculated into a rating.
- Safety Rating
- Housing Rating
- Happiness report.
- School/University rating
- Employment Rating
- Transportation/Traffic rating
- Proximity to friends and family (input address)
Data Science
- Acquire, clean, pipe API data to get comparative scores for each factor by city
- Utilize data that is already present to find other insights and trends for more better analysis
- Adaptive to user preferences: DS to find the best way to rank quality of matches based upon user inputs by adding appropriate coefficients to a scoring function.
- Information on category scores readable units (e.g. Commute Time, 56 min.)
- Data visualization for comparing cities and factors