<aside> ❓ See 🚀Product Vision Guide and **Product Vision Meeting Agenda** for more info


Problem Core

We found that people can be intimidated by going to the gym, once they bypass that fear they struggle to build a consistent routine, this can either be from lack of motivation or that people are often confused about how to do the workouts and what to do to build in certain areas.

The best alternative solution to this problem, a personal trainer, is expensive so many users turn to fitness apps.

Problem Side Effects


  1. Decrease the amount of time people spend planning their workout with simplistic design
  2. Help users execute exercises with correct form
  3. Increase motivation to follow a series of exercises and workout sessions consistently
  4. Give users motivation to work out at times they specify - applies when they are not working out, between sets / in normal life.


  1. User can plan their workouts for specific days in advance
  2. Have an alarm or notification when it is time to workout
  3. Provide a strong database of exercises with links to how-tos and videos