Gary Seaburn
Male, 52 from Seattle, WA
- Goals
- To be able to share his projects in a clean way.
- Interested in a way to collaborate with people in a simple way.
- Background
- He went to school for Computer Science and ever since has loved creating back ends. It started off as a way to make money and grew into a passion. He has now been in the business for 30 years and still loves to learn new things. He has recently used Google Docs to share and collaborate with UI developers.
- Motivations
- His wife, children and grandchildren
- To make a change in how the back end is programmed
- Frustrations
- Collaboration is a hassle when there are documents spread out.
- There is no way to organize his projects in Google Docs.
- There is not a simple way to find a UI Developer and see their projects.
Aelin Thorne
Female, 26 from Austin, TX
- Goals
- To be able to share her projects in a clean fashion that employers have access to.
- Wants notifications of when people change documents or projects on the collaborations.
- Background
- She is a self taught graphic designer who loves to learn new things everyday. She has been using Linked In and Monster to share her resume but is unsure how to show off her projects.
- Motivations
- Her willingness to learn
- Wanting a well paying job in Graphic Design
- Frustrations
- Monster and Linked In can not show off her projects.
- There is no website that she has found that can cleanly show off her work
Bobby Conley
Male, 38 from Philadelphia
- Goals
- To be able to show the world what he can do.
- Interested getting inspiration from other artists.
- Background
- He started animation at Riot Games for a very popular video game. He loved his time there but decided to move on and start his own animation firm. To show what he can do he has been posting his animations on Reddit and other lesser known platforms.
- Motivations
- His need for recognition
- His want to work for Disney some day.
- Frustrations
- Reddit is full of trolls.
- There is no way to for clients to see his work.
- There is not a way for clients to find him easily.