- Who is the target audience?
- What is the scope of our audience?
- Lambda or tech graduates
- What is the goal of this application?
- Provide the best resource for researching places to live and all the factors that influence where living in a place may or may not appeal to the user. (From Product Description)
- What do you see as an intended use of data science?
- Currently DS is not really being used — we're taking scores from an existing API and compiling them into a rank of recommended cities. Should we continue seeking a way to make a prediction tool or would our time be better served with data analysis/visualization?
- How would you measure whether or not this project is a success?
- Number of users?
- Clean portfolio piece?
- Technical Features?
- Number of searches?
- Flexibility on the name
- Something more professional sounding?
- More neutrally connotated (homie)
- How much of the labs15 project do we have to keep?
- Who our biggest competitor?
- Niche?
- Is it required to be a registered user to use the search feature?
- What's the purpose of registering a user? (For the site and for the actual user)
- Other websites have added information/benefits given to users that create accounts.
- What do you use currently to do research when deciding where to move?
- Alternatively, what factors are important to you?
- As a stakeholder, how much of a say do you really have/ plan to have?