For Team 2:
[WellDone] Lambda Dashboard Feature Request.docx
- Here is the Google Doc version of our MNDA
- Please sign the MNDA with WellDone and email to Addison at [email protected] before getting started!
Here is a bit more information on the dashboard itself, the things we'd like to display, and the key indicators:
Here is the spreadsheet where we will be adding GPS and other info
Current draft of the dashboard: collecting data every 5 minutes.
Here are a few indicators that I was thinking about,
- "Pump Health"
- Green = Data has been collected within 2 weeks and data shows activity at least once every three days
- Yellow = No data has been collected in the past 2 weeks
- Red = Data has been collected within 2 weeks, but there has been some "none activity" for at least one three day period (opposite of 'green')
- Time active vs. time not active
- Map with sensor deployment sites showing "pump health" status color
- Ability to create a report using the filters/parameters that are in the spreadsheet + data, for example:
- Search within a given time range
- Compare wells to one another
- Visualize trend data (e.g. 1 mo, 3 mo, 6 mo, 1 yr)
- (Eventually)
- Volume of water produced (we are calibrating this as part of the installation)
- Ability to send or trigger automatic emails/texts, based on criteria above
- "Performance" = usage rate per capita