"Project completion" will be evaluated at the completion of each Product Cycle.
- User can save a city card as DISLIKE or LIKE
- User's profile contains the list of likes
- Delete a city from the likes
- User's profile contains the list of dislikes (maybe on settings page instead)
- Disliked cities will not appear in searches for that user.
- Remove a city from the dislikes
User Preference - Not doing anymore (FE and UX meeting, 12/04)
- (After clicking on card) City details page
- Image
- Location
- Summary — need api
- Data Visualization of Factors - DS
- Hi-Fi designs
- when more info is presented on the location, present multiple images of the location (scraped from Instagram?) * city detail page equivalent of the web (B)
- map kit should show nearby cities that are close to the user's preference (it can be a range of closeness to the user's preference?) (B)
- Provide links to Apple map/ Google Maps to navigate to destination. (do nav in app?) (L)
- share city card description through iMessage (customize look of card in activity description) (L)
- City Card
- Icon to allow user to LIKE a card
- Clicking → adds city to user's city likes
- Icon to allow user to DISLIKE a card
- Clicking → adds to city user's dislikes
User's preferences (factors)
Saved from first interaction using exploratory factor page
Be able to edit these factors
- Template for city details page
- Layout
- Styles
- Image
- Location
- Summary
- Data Visualization of Factors
- User Model update
- Liked and disliked cities
- Search feature should ignore disliked cities
preferences - no longer necessary
- City model update
- Summary stored in BE database
- Data visualization links - collaborate later
- Backend tie in with Data Science API
- User to city - 2 many-to-many tables (1. Likes 2. Dislikes)